The Essence of Worship

To be human is to have wisdom and an incredible capability for the imaginative. We have built things such as the pyramids, and we have sculpted portraits at the sides of hills. And we have walked on the moon. And we have formulated remedies for all types of ailments. To be human, we mentioned, is to get a soul along with the capacity to empathize and show empathy. All of these are mainly great things.

We’re largely poor, and it had been a simple arrangement. It does not indicate that people can not do great things, but when we look around, if we are honest, there’s corruption and oppression, and greed and bad. We, people, have vehemently loathed one another due to our skin color.

And so we are stuck. To be human is a glorious thing. And when it has to do with our behavior, to our hearts, we’re awakened. Everyone, to a level, if we’re honest, knows this. The actual question is Why? Why is there such a disparity between the attractiveness of being human and the brokenness of human behavior?

The issue boils down to worship. One thing is that sin is a worship issue. God made us reflect and resemble and revel in his glory. He made us worship him to find our soul pride in him. To find our peace and rest and joy in him. However, we’ve rebelled against him.

The theological term for this is the Fall. It means that we’ve left God, that we’ve resisted the worship of him instead tried to substitute him along with different things, and that’s the reason we’re broken, why we are sinners.

That is the reason why worship. We have to make disciples. And we specify disciples as worshipers, servants, and missionaries.  At this time. What we’re doing. This is our hearts. We were educated then, to acknowledge our sins. A good thig nowadays is that we can do it on the screen, you can join worshipping virtually through watching videos such as YouTube and if you want to convert it into mp4, you could do so by clicking Yt MP4.

Some forms of worship can be:

  • Attending to A Church
  • Listening to Worship Songs or Christian Podcasts Online through Spotify
  • Watching Sermon Videos Online. You Can Download Videos on YouTube through_______
  • Sharing the Lord’s Gospel

Along with this great news, the gospel is that Jesus came to save sinners. He came to die for sinners. He took the punishment which we deserve and that he endured God’s wrath in our place. He saves us to reflect and resemble and appreciate God’s glory. He saves us to find our soul pride in him, we find in him our relaxation and calmness and happiness.
