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Thai Massage : Why It’s the Most Requested Home Tie in Korea

applying acupressure on footThai massage is the most requested home tie (홈타이) service from Korean providers of home massage treatments rendered by a Thai Manager and a blind Thai masseuse. While this type of service is hard to come by just by searching for a home service massage, those in the know, use an intermediary website like Everybody’s Home Tie (모두의홈타이).

The website serves as an aggregator of information pertaining to providers of home massage or home tie services in SoKor. Here, those looking to find a Thai home tie treatment can be connected to licensed Korean wellness and treatment clinics so they can book appointments for any home service massage they prefer. While Thai home tie therapy is the most popular, those looking to receive Japanese, Chinese, Swiss, Indian and Korean massage treatments, should know that such services are also available. Take note that Search results might still include clinic operators who have already closed shop. Anyway, notifications accordingly appear in the provider’s business image or logo.

What Distinguishes Thai Massage Treatment from Other Types of Therapies

The main distinction of Thai massage from other types of massage treatments is that it involves the traditional massage practice in Buddhist monasteries.

Thai massage is regarded as spiritual, as the masseuse or masseur performs the therapy while in deep meditation as a way of tuning in to the needs of the patient’s mind and body. While in the meditative state, the masseur or masseuse aims to develop and maintain a kind and compassionate attitude toward the person receiving the massage treatment.

Basically and theoretically, Thai massage involves acupressure and stretching motions applied on energy lines known as Sen. Doing so is a means of opening up physical, emotional and energy passages and pathways. The acupressure and stretching motions will then work to ease if not remove blockages in the whole body.

It’s important that Thai massage sessions are performed on the floor, while the customer wears loose and light comfortable clothing.

The Wellness Benefits Derived from Regular Thai Massage Treatments

thai massage Actually, Thai massage is of Indian origin, as it was developed 2500 years ago by Buddha’s Indian doctor and friend. As Buddhism flourished and spread in various South-East Asian monasteries, it gained popularity in Thailand as a massage service rendered outside of Buddhist monasteries.

The wellness benefits derived from Thai massage sessions are both therapeutic and preventive. The oil-free application of acupressure and stretching motions have been proven effective in relieving the body of headaches that commonly arise as a result of lower back pain, stress, digestion issues, shoulder and neck muscle tightness and stiffness, insomnia and nervous disorders that can lead to nervous breakdowns.

Receiving Thai treatment therapies are highly recommended by health and wellness aficionados because it can also serve as a preventive therapy for keeping the body in a healthy condition. The motions that promote the free flow of energy and proper circulation of bodily fluids help the body improve posture, breathing capacity, muscular flexibility and in releasing nervous tensions.

How to Manage Church Facilities? Find out Here!


Churches are much more than just structures. They serve as gathering spaces for worship, community, and connection. They represent much more than just floors, walls, and windows. That is why thinking of a church as a “facility” might be challenging.

However, in order for a church to carry on playing such an essential part in people’s lives, the church building must be kept in good repair using tools like the best cheap cordless drill. Churches, like any other institution, need thorough maintenance, constant administration, and long-term planning.

Here are some helpful hints for keeping your church in tip-top shape:

1. Handle maintenance in a proactive manner.

The most serious facilities management issues that many churches face are from the unexpected—a roof that falls, an HVAC system that breaks down, or a carpet that has to be replaced. These are items that obstruct the church’s operation and cost a lot of money to replace.

2. Search for methods to make your home more energy efficient.

Many churches, particularly older churches, do not operate at high levels of energy efficiency. Finding methods to make your church more energy efficient may save you money over time. As a result, you’ll be able to spend more money on your job rather than on your power costs.

3. Establish a cleaning and gardening routine.

Churches have a variety of cleaning requirements, ranging from windows and light fixtures to sculptures and benches. It might be difficult to effectively handle them on a regular basis. Effective scheduling is one method to address this obstacle.

4. Don’t forget about carpet maintenance.

The majority of churches have a large level of foot traffic. While this is beneficial to the church (the more people you can contact, the better), it may be detrimental to the flooring. This is particularly true when it comes to carpets.

5. Engage in the facility’s upkeep.

One of the most valuable things that churches possess—and that most facilities managers lack—is an engaged and active community. Use that asset wherever feasible. Involve church members in facility repair and maintenance.

Finding volunteers to assist with cleaning, gardening, and maintenance will not only save money for your church, but it will also offer members of the congregation a stronger sense of purpose and engagement.

Categories: Church Health Religion

Why Some Religions Prohibits Premarital Sex

Premarital sex has always been a sensitive topic in our country. One cannot refuse the fascination of such act. Nevertheless, premarital sex leads to a lot of questions unanswered. This blog shall demonstrate some of those depressing areas of premarital sex.

1. Mystery of Character

Sex is restricted in our community. If you appear to be frank about your one night stands then indidviuals around you will surely not leave any stone unturned in giving you unreasonably and bad names. They would discredit you for being a womanizer. In how society sees you, you are nothing but a person with no dignity.

2. STD’s and Pregnancy

Even if the probability of having sexual transmitted diseases are low, you cannot entirely scrap the chance of it happening. If you happen to sleep with a huge number of women then it may lead you to struggle from gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS. Also, the horror of unplanned pregnancy could endanger your life. This is why a lot of people make sure to use protection.

3. Wicked Conscience

Is sex all about material prosperity? Can you manage to mock the emotions connected to it? You cannot allow sex as simply the number of women you capture prior to eventually planning to settle down in life. Rather, it is a dedicated form of showing love. Pre-marital sex gives you heavy guilt for which you are gonna feel repentant for a significant period.

4. Ethics and Family Values

What if she gets pregnant? Are you going to go for an abortion? Do you think it will be? Aren’t these issues sufficient to generate a debate in your morals regarding ethical problems fixed with premarital sex? Can you acquire the acerbic truth of your sister sleeping with her parter? If concerns like these spin in your mind, then it would be better to submit to the fact that your partner might also be from a conventional family. It is sinful to eschew family values in an effort to satisfy your sexual appetite.

5. Religion

If you are a follower in God, then you cannot deny the institution of marriage. Nikah, the word for marriage implies sexual intercourse. Every holy scripture provides due attention to marriage since it provides you the permission to have sex with your companion.

Religion, Video Games and Gambling Have The Same Effect On The Brain

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Utah showed that mental pleasure has the same effect on the brain as rewards, love, or drug use. This is also true when playing video games (such as the runewords in diablo 2)

Religion, soul-finding, material gain, or drug use are all felt the same way because they activate the same circuits in the brain, according to a study published by researchers at the University of Utah. They used magnetic resonance imaging to study 19 devoted Mormons and found that the results during prayer were similar to those obtained through prayer and pleasure.

Video games as mental-health hazards

Imaging examinations revealed changes in the brain regions involved in the recognition of importance. However, the lead author of this study, Jeffrey S. Anderson, said that the link between spiritual experience and reward pathways suggests that “religious formation may be a classical or Pavlovian form of regulation.”

Anderson said: “Combining positive feedback, music and social rewards with beliefs or certain doctrines can make the latter a rewarding element.” The same mechanism can explain attachment to religious leaders and ideals. Women of the Lutheran (Minnesota) and the ISIS in Syria may have experienced the very same feelings around the same area of the brain. They experience different belief systems and have different social consequences. ”

The study authors say that some people are more likely to like religion than others. However, this particular neurological response is not limited to mental people. Researchers expect people without a religious background to have similar brain responses to patriotic images, peaceful scenes, or profound scientific ideas.

American researchers have ensured that they will not reduce the complexity of religious passions in the brain. They point out that descriptions of religious experiences vary, and indicate that it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the entire brain during mental activity to better understand this response.

Categories: Health Religion

