Parenting programs have a positive effect on parents and children in the short term. However, the effects are small. Would you like to know more about the effectiveness of the interventions and how you can use them in the right way? You can visit this site for information to have a positive effect on children and build Association for Parenting program.

Cultural diversity
Immerse yourself in the cultural context of the family, it is always different. For example, there are families with a Western cultural background and with a non-Western cultural background and families with and without religious beliefs. And families with children born in the Netherlands and newcomers such as refugees with or without residence status. Develop skills in culture-sensitive working and intercultural communication to support them with their questions and needs. First of all, ask families about their need for informal support in regular parenting and reinforce it.
Family composition
Realize that questions about parenting and parenting can differ in different family compositions; be open to different wishes and needs. A parent from a single-parent family may have different questions and needs than educators in a blended family. The variety of 21st-century family forms is great. Children grow up in blended families, single-parent families, same-sex families (‘rainbow families’), or multi-generational families. At the end of 2016, the government was advised to ensure that the rights, protection, and position of all children, regardless of the family form in which they grow up, are equal.
Educational attainment
Whichever family it concerns, the desired support is in line with the educational level of the parents. For low-literate parents, this can be done, for example, by using simple language and visual material. For example, give highly educated parents literature tips. Families with a low socioeconomic status (SES) are families with parents with a low income and a low education. For these families, there are family-oriented programs to prevent educational disadvantages in their children, such as Opstap and VVE Thuis. Parents also receive information about parenting and parenting skills.
Very young parenting
Very young parents, as with all parents, pay attention to a supportive social network and a secure attachment. With these kinds of protective factors, the majority of young parents and their children are doing well. Certainly, if the guidance also includes attention for self-image, self-confidence, and self-reliance, and involvement of the father.
One in eight children in the Netherlands lives in poverty. Many of them grow up in single-parent families. Parents who constantly have too little income and too much debt suffer from stress, feel less and less psychologically well and become insecure about their role as educators. Take into account the influence that poverty has on parenting and on how parents experience parenthood. Strengthen informal support for families living in poverty. This can be protective, both financially and socially. It reduces stress and promotes positive parenting and the parent-child relationship.
Parents with psychological problems or addiction
And asks professionals in the first place to listen to the expectations and wishes of parents and to look together at how protective factors such as the social network can be strengthened. Excuse parents with psychological or addiction problems and ask what they need for parenting and education in everyday life. If a social network is lacking or parents feel the need to expand it, initiatives such as Neighborhood Families and Support Parent may be an option.
Children with mild intellectual disability
Visualize the specific characteristics and needs of the child with a mild intellectual disability (LVD). You need this to support parents in their upbringing as best as possible. Young people with a MID run an increased risk of learning difficulties, psychiatric disorders, and behavioral problems. Extensive diagnostics are therefore also important.
Children with behavioral problems
Support parents with children with behavioral problems as early as possible in their daily upbringing. By supporting parents early, you can sometimes prevent or reduce the child’s behavioral problems. Strengthen their capacity and pedagogical skills. Reduce the burden and strengthen the social network of the family.
Families with care-intensive children
Caring for a child with a disability, disorder or long-term illness has a huge impact on the entire family. Ask the parents in good time what kind of support they need. This can have a positive influence on parenting, other family members, and the work-home balance. Also, strengthen the parenting capacities of parents. This can reduce behavioral problems in the child. It also contributes positively to the psychosocial well-being of the family. Parents may also have to deal with everyday parenting questions. Preventive low-threshold parenting support is then sufficient.